July 2000 News Release

64-00 CGC Kittiwake to offer tours 65-00 CG searches for overdue fishing boat 66-00 CG rescues 2 people from sunken vessel
67-00 CG responds to distress call from Transpacific sailor 68-00 Transpacific sailor rescued 69-00 CG rescues man from capsized boat
70-00 CG seeks feedback on proposed commercial fishing safety regulations

July 3, 2000
Release Number 64-00
Contact: (808) 541-2121

Kittiwake to offer tours on Fourth of July

The brand-new, 87-foot Coast Guard Cutter Kittiwake will offer free tours to the public Tuesday from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. at the Aloha Tower Marketplace.

The Kittiwake is homeported in Nawiliwili Harbor, Kauai, but the ship’s Maritime Law Enforcement and Search and Rescue area of responsibility includes all the Hawaiian Islands.

The Kittiwake is a state-of-the-art ship. The cutter has a top speed of 26 knots, and its modern hull design can withstand 30-foot seas.

Kittiwake is also equipped with state-of-the-art technology, including electronic chart displays, an advanced surface search radar, and the Coast Guard’s Standard Work Station III computers to improve the crews ability to perform Search and Rescue and Maritime Law Enforcement missions.

The new computers also give the crew access to technical publications and drawings on CD-ROM to make maintaining and repairing the cutter more efficient.

The Kittiwake employs an innovative stern launch-and-recovery-system for its deployable diesel-powered waterjet small boat, has quarters for a mixed-gender, 10-person crew, and is in compliance with all current and projected environmental protection laws.


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July 4, 2000
Release Number 65-00
Contact: (808) 541-2121

Coast Guard searches for overdue fishing boat

 A Coast Guard C-130 fixed wing aircraft is searching for an overdue, 23-foot, white Seacraft boat that was last heard from 9 a.m. Monday. The vessel, Ululani Elua, left from Heeia Kea boat ramp in Kaneohe at about 5:30 a.m. Monday to fish for Ahi.

Two Oahu men are aboard and according to family members one is a 63-year-old diabetic. The vessel is equipped with a VHF radio and an Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon (EPIRB).

Coast Guard H-65 Dolphin helicopters searched last night, shortly after the overdue report was received and early this morning, but found nothing. Today the search was expanded to cover an area that is roughly 3,000 square miles in size. The C-130 fixed wing aircraft joined the search effort at approximately 9 a.m. today.

Anyone with any information regarding this case is asked to call the Coast Guard Group Honolulu Operations Center at 541-2450.


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5, 2000
Release Number
Contact: (808) 541-2121

Coast Guard rescues two people from sunken fishing vessel

An H-65 Coast Guard helicopter plucked an injured 67-year-old man from waters about 16 miles southwest of Barbers Point today, after a 26-foot fishing vessel with three people on board sank. The cause of the sinking is under investigation.

The Coast Guard Group Honolulu Operations Center received a distress call relayed from the Honolulu Fire Department, reporting a fishing vessel taking on water off the Waianae Boat Harbor.

Minutes later, a second call reported the vessel sunk and three people were in the water. A helicopter from Coast Guard Air Station Barbers Point, and the Coast Guard Cutter Assateague, from Sand Island, responded to the distress call.

At approximately 12:45 p.m., the injured man was hoisted into the helicopter and transported to Tripler Army Medical Center. The extent of the man's injuries is unknown at this time. The other two people in the water were picked up by a passing fishing vessel, and later transferred to the cutter Assateague which brought them to shore.

Editor's Note - Reportedly, the initial distress call was made via CB radio. Mariners should be reminded that the Coast Guard does not monitor CB radio channels, and does not recommend using a CB radio to call for help out on the water.


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July 6, 2000
Release Number 67-00
Contact: (808) 541-2121

Coast Guard responds to distress call from Transpacific sailor

A Coast Guard C-130 fixed wing airplane is searching the waters approximately 300 miles northeast of Oahu for a grey, 33-foot sailboat that has activated an Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon (EPIRB).

The boat, Space Cowboy, is involved in the 2000 Single Handed Transpacific Yacht Race and left from San Francisco June 24 bound for Hanalei Bay, Kauai.

The race involves single-handed sailors, experienced mariners who complete lengthy ocean transits alone. The 33-foot sailboat, homeported in San Leandro, Calif., is operated by David Bennett.

Editor's Note - On the web check http://www.sfbaysss.org/transpac00/index.html for more information regarding the 2000 Single Handed Transpacific Yacht Race.



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July 6, 2000
Release Number 68-00
Contact: (808) 541-2121

Transpacific sailor rescued

Transpacific sailor, David Bennett, was spotted by a Coast Guard C-130 fixed-wing airplane this morning, after he abandoned his 33-foot sailboat, Space Cowboy. The Coast Guard aircrew gave Bennett's location to a passing Navy fast frigate, the USS Ingraham, which picked him up at about 11:30 a.m.

Current plans are for Bennett to stay aboard the Navy ship until it arrives in Everett, Wash.

Bennett was competing in the 2000 Single Handed Transpacific Yacht Race, and left from San Francisco June 24, bound for Hanalei Bay, Kauai.

Bennett had earlier reported some damage to the sailboat's rigging during his voyage. At about 7 a.m. this morning, he activated an Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon (EPIRB) indicating he was in distress.

The Coast Guard plane, from Air Station Barbers Point, began searching the waters approximately 300 miles northeast of Oahu for the sailboat shortly after the Joint Rescue Coordination Center in Honolulu received the EPIRB signal.


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July 9, 2000
Release Number 69-00
Contact: (808) 541-2121

Coast Guard rescues man from capsized boat

A Coast Guard HH-65 Dolphin rescue helicopter pulled a man from his overturned, 14-foot fishing vessel at 6:15 a.m. 16 miles west of Kaena Point.

Rescued was Justin Rapoza, 21, from Wainae.

Coast Guard Group Honolulu received an overdue vessel call at 10 p.m. Saturday from Rapoza’s relatives who said he had not been seen since he launched his boat from Wainae Harbor at 8 a.m. Saturday.

A Coast Guard Dolphin helicopter equipped with night vision goggles from Air Station Barbers Point searched for signs of Rapoza or his boat last night, but was unable to locate either. Rapoza reported today that the helicopter had flown over him, but he had no signal flares to help them locate him.

Another Dolphin began searching at 5:40 a.m. and located Rapoza clinging to the overturned hull of his boat about 30 minutes later.

The crew of the helicopter used a rescue basket to hoist Rapoza from his boat and brought him back to Barbers Point.

Emergency medical technicians evaluated and released Rapoza to his family. Rapoza stated that he felt fatigued but was otherwise feeling fine.

Rapoza told the Coast Guard his boat capsized around 2:30 p.m. Saturday while he was leaning over the side attempting to pull in a large fish. He said he was hit by a wave, and the wind caught the boat’s bimini top, causing the boat to capsize. Rapoza climbed onto the overturned hull to keep out of the water until he was rescued.


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July 11, 2000
Release Number 70-00
Contact: (808) 541-2121

Coast Guard seeks feedback on proposed commercial fishing safety regulations

The Fourteenth Coast Guard District’s Marine Safety Division and Marine Safety Office Honolulu will host a listening session at the Coast Guard Integrated Support Command at Sand Island July 13 at 5 p.m. to get feedback from local commercial fisherman on the Coast Guard’s proposed Commercial Fishing Vessel Safety Action Plan.

The Coast Guard, with the help of commercial-fishing industry experts, created the new plan to help improve the level of safety in the fishing industry.

The listening session will begin with a presentation on the new Commercial Fishing Vessel Safety Action Plan, followed by an opportunity for attendees to comment on specifics of the plan.

The information gathered during the session will be presented to the Commercial Fishing Industry Vessel Advisory Committee and used to further refine the plan.

Copies of the proposed plan are available at www.uscg.mil/hq/g-m/advisory/cfivac/fishexpo99.pdf.  

The listening session will be held at Club 14 at Coast Guard ISC Honolulu on Sand Island Access Road.



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