Date: |
Inspector: |
Skipper: |
Boat Name: |
Boat Number: |
Boat Location: |
Anchor: |
Suitable Anchor AND Rode. |
7.14 |
Batteries: |
Minimum of two with at least
combined 120aH capacity AND |
7.20 |
Charging system allowing batteries
to be used during sunset and sunrise. |
7.21 |
Berth: |
Fixed amd suitable for sea. |
7.41 |
Pumps: |
Fixed mount, manual, operable
above decks, capable of 10gpm discharge AND |
7.13 |
Secondary manual OR electric. |
Bucket: |
Stout construction with at least
2.5 US gallons AND capacity AND a lanyard. |
7.39 |
Charts: |
18022 edition #34 11/03
19004 edition #37 1/04
19381 edition #8 7/17/93 |
7.27 |
Cockpit: |
Structurally sound AND self
draining at all angles of heel. |
7.2 |
hatchboards: |
Shall be capable of being secured
in position with hatch open or shut and shall be secured to the boat with
a lanyard AND |
7.37 |
The Hatch shall be able to be
secured in position by the skipper whether inside the boat, or on deck.
Compass: |
Properly installed mechanical
marine compass with deviation card AND |
7.26 |
A spare mechanical compass. |
Depth Sounder: |
Functioning. |
7.28 |
Transmits on 406.0 MHz with
a battery with expiration date no earlier than July 17th, 2004 |
7.35 |
Serial Number: |
Fire Extingishers: |
At Coast Guard required levels. |
7.11 |
First Aid Kit: |
Accessable. |
7.16 |
Flashlights: |
At least two with spare batteries
AND bulbs. |
7.15 |
Flares: |
White SOLAS parachute or handheld
flare with expiration date no earlier than July 17th, 2004. |
7.25 |
Fuel Tanks: |
Have shut off valves. |
7.38 |
Food: |
Enough for 30 days (Only needs
to be present for final inspection) |
7.9 |
Galley: |
Suitable for use at Sea. |
7.8 |
GPS: |
Two operable units, with one
operable as independent from the boat. |
7.30 |
Halyards: |
At least two capable of raising
sails. |
7.40 |
Horn: |
Manual and operable. |
7.17 |
Jackstays: |
Present both Starboard AND Port
7.6 |
Secured to through bolted attachment
points AND |
Rated for 4,500#'s or greater. |
Knot meter: |
Functioning. |
7.29 |
Length of deck |
Between 20' and 60' |
5 |
Lifelines: |
Multistranded stainless steel
wire enclosing the working deck AND |
7.5 |
Height of at least 18"
for boats less than 28' LOA.
Height of at least 24" for boats greater than 28' LOA AND |
Stanchions AND puplits supporting
lifelines not more than 7' apart AND properly secured. |
Liferaft: |
Automatically deployed cannopy
7.36 |
Highly visible color AND |
Stowed securely on deck OR |
In a watertight, self draining
compartment opening immediately to the working deck OR packed in a valise
not exceeding 88#s, securely stowed below deck adjacent to the companionway
Valid annual inspection certificate.
The certificate shall be dated no earlier than July 17th, 2003 AND |
Sea Anchor AND |
Repair kit, inflation pump and
oral inflation tube AND |
A kit attached to the Liferaft
with the following:
- Four SOLAS red parachute flares with expiration date no earlier than
July 17th, 2004.
- Four SOLAS red handheld flares with expiration date no earlier than
July 17th, 2004.
- Two SOLAS orange smoke flares with expiration date no earlier than July
17th, 2004.
- Bailer.
- Knife.
- Flashlight.
- Water and emergency food for 4 days.
Serial Number: |
PFD: |
Marked with Boat Name AND whiste
AND strobe attached. |
7.12 |
Plotting Instruments: |
Onboard. |
7.27 |
Reflector: |
Mounted 13' above water AND |
7.18 |
Octahedral must be 18"
minimum diagonal OR |
Otherwise Radar Cross Section
(RCS) of not less than 10 meter squared. |
Numbers |
Distinquishing numbers on each
side AND |
10 |
The greater of a height12"
of 1/40th the boat's LOA AND |
Must be applied so as to prevent
removal from the action of the sea. |
Running Lights: |
Per COLREGS and above deck. |
7.19 |
Harness: |
Minimum 3,300# breaking strength
7.7 |
Has a quick release snap shackle. |
Sail Repair Kit: |
Onboard. |
7.34 |
Seacocks: |
For those below the waterline
softwood plugs for each attached with a line. |
7.4 |
SSB: |
That operates on 4, 8 AND 12
MHz bands. Radio must still be operable if dismasted OR |
7.23 |
Satellite phone with active
account. |
Steering: |
An alternative means of steering
the boat in ANY sea condition AND |
7.33 |
Demonstrated. |
Sails: |
A storm trysail capable of being
sheeted independently of the boom AND of area not greater than 17.5% mainsail
luff length x mainsail foot length AND a method of securely attaching the
sail to the mast will be provided AND sail numbers must be present on both
sides OR |
7.42 |
Mainsail reefing to reduce luff
length by at least 40%, while sail numbers remain visible AND |
If the rig such that a headsail
is commonly used, then a storm sail shall be provided which attaches to
a stay by a strong and secure method, AND is of an area not greater than
5% of the height of the foretriangle, squared and has a luff of maximum
length of 65% of the height of the foretriangle. |
Strobe: |
Mounted at masthead. |
7.24 |
Tiller: |
Emergency tiller capable of
being fitted to rudder stock. |
7.32 |
Tools: |
Including a way to disconnect
or sever the standing rigging from the hull. |
7.31 |
Radio: |
25 watts output power and channels
6, 16 and 69 AND |
7.22 |
Masthead antenna AND |
Emergency antenna. |
Ballast: |
Present AND |
4C |
Below decks AND |
Properly functions at 50 degrees
of heel AND |
Boat heels no more than 10 degrees
with water on one side. |
Containers: |
Securely installed AND |
7.10 |
15 gallons OR more capacity
in at least two containers. |
Poles: |
No more than two AND |
4A |
Cannot exceed LP of the largest
rated headsail. |
Windows: |
Require coverings if greater
than 2' feet unless they are stronger than superstructure. |
7.3 |
Notes: |