Adam Correa
Blue Moon
26' International Folkboat

PCR: 249
Homeport: Sausalito, CA
Sail # : 175

Blue Moon

Four years ago this summer, I discovered sailing. Having the ocean be a part of my life for quite some time chasing swells up and down the California and Mexico coasts in search of surf I hadn't quite experienced the ocean the way one does OFFSHORE and ALONE. Two years ago I became a member of the Singlehanded Sailing Society and started to consistently participate in the races. Sailing with such a unique and talented group of world-class sailors provided me with an amazing network of support, competition, and a contagious corinthian 'Do it yourself' ethos. Two years ago I sailed out under the Golden Gate Bridge with the SSS Singlehanded Transpac fleet of 2008 to send off my friends who were headed for Hawaii. It was inspiring to follow the race from start to finish, and I decided that 2010 would be my year to give it a go. So here we are: currently two months away from the 2010 SHTP start and things are really starting to come together. My boat work is almost complete, my surfboard quiver is packed, my provisioning list is starting to formulate, and we all have a date to sail to Hawaii solo!

Navigation: Two Garmin 60 Handheld GPS units, G4 Mac Powerbook running GPS NavX, NASA AIS RADAR, Blue Moon

Communications: Sat phone, Furuno 1501 SSB, DSC-equipped Standard Horizon VHF

Power: Solar panels & AirX wind generator

Steering: Windpilot self steering windvane "Miss Emmie", Autohelm tiller pilot

Food: Being a smaller boat and having limited carrying capacity, I will be carrying quite a bit of "add water" type meals. I will be snacking, snacking, snacking my way across the puddle; lots of Trader Joe's treats, protein drinks and lots of fresh fruit.

Special Thanks: First off, I would really like to thank the Singlehanded Sailing Society for providing such an amazingly unique platform for practicing, refining, and exploring the subtle art of offshore singlehanded sailing. Thanks to my "shamelessly close yet geographically challenged" family for your continued love, support, and understanding. Thanks to Grandma & Grandpa for passing along the sailing/adventure gene. Thanks to Kathe for all your support, love, and sewing skillz. Thanks to LD & RT for your friendship, keeping my Epic meter in check, and all your help along the way. Thanks to the Windsome Winch and Georgia crew for your continued support and inspiration. Thanks to JZ and at Store 3 for all your help and advice in getting Blue Moon put together and ready for this trip. I also wanted to thank the Richardson Bay Marina "Club Critique" for providing me with an audience every time I sailed back into my slip after a long day of sailing. (You know who your beer-wielding selves are.) Thanks to N. Jaffe and the Arktisma crew for inspiring and helping me along the way! And lastly, I wanted to thank my friends at Latitude 38 for all your support. Good luck to the 2010 fleet. I look forward to chatting with you along way and comparing notes under the "Tree".
