Race News!
1998 Singlehanded TransPac
Date: Thu, 2 Jul 98 10:35:56 Subject: 7/2 0900 reports From: "Terry McKelvey" <sensei@dnai.com> To: "Joseph Oster" <oster@wingo.com>
Here are the 0900 position reports, relayed by Cindy Gay - Ms. Bravo - who is listening from Avalon in Alameda: (thank you Cindy!)At Last: 32-19 135-24 240M 6kts 1416mtg
Bravo 33-08 134-23 235M 5.5kts 1480mtg
Compass Rose 33-56 133-06 207M 6.2kts 1558mtg
Harrier 32-11 134-25 240M 6.5kts 1462mtg
Etosha 28-46 136-41 239M 6-8kts 1295mtg
End. Species 31-42 135-45 238M 7.5kts 1389mtg
Lakota 27-15 146-13 285M 16kts 784mtg
Razzberries 32-20 135-43 235M 7kts 1413mtg
Color Blind 31-28 134-33 250M 6kts 1445mtg
Giggles 31-51 134-51 235M 6.5kts 1436mtg
Solitaire 32-15 136-49 238M 7.5kts 1350mtgBravo reports 3 ft seas, squalls and patchy sun - and not as much wind as the boats further south. Harrier has the 18-20 knots that Bravo is wishing he had. Etosha says that the autopilot isn't getting along well with the spinnaker...otherwise no problems to report!
Reception is too faint on 4024 - we got this report on 8110, and plan to use 12359 as the next backup frequency if the 8k frequencies fade out.---T
TransPac Race Committe Chair