Sailing Society San Francisco Shorthanded Racing |
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2013 SSS Calendar
of Events
January |
23 |
Three Bridge Fiasco Skippers Meeting |
26 |
SSS Three Bridge Fiasco Race |
February |
13 |
Trophy Meeting for Three Bridge Fiasco Race |
March | 13 |
Skippers Meeting for Corinthian Race |
16 |
SSS Corinthian Race |
23 | OYC Rites of Spring (*Sponsored by OYC) | |
27 |
Trophy Meeting for Corinthian Race |
30 | BAMA Doublehanded Farallones (*Sponsored by BAMA) | |
April |
20 |
OYRA Lightship 1 (*Sponsored by YRA OYRA) |
24 | Skippers Meeting for Round the Rocks Race | |
27 |
Round the Rocks Race |
May |
8 |
Trophy Meeting for Round the Rocks Race & Skippers Meeting for Singlehanded Farallones Race |
18 |
Singlehanded Farallones Race |
24 | SFYC/MPYC Spinnaker Cup (*Sponsored by SFYC/MPYC) | |
June |
1 |
OYRA Duxship (*Sponsored by YRA OYRA) |
5 | Trophy Meeting for Singlehanded Farallones Race | |
12 | EYC Coastal Cup (*Sponsored by EYC) | |
12 | Mandatory LongPac Skipper's Meeting | |
19-25 |
SSS LongPac |
29 |
OYRA One Way to Half Moon Bay (*Sponsored by YRA OYRA) |
July | 10 | LongPac Trophy Meeting |
13 |
OYRA Jr. Waterhouse (*Sponsored by YRA OYRA) |
August | 10 |
SF Approach Race (*Sponsored by YRA OYRA) |
14 |
Skippers Meeting for Half Moon Bay Race |
17 |
SSS Half Moon Bay Race |
October |
16 |
Skippers Meeting for Vallejo 1-2 Races |
19-20 |
SSS Vallejo 1-2: Vallejo Singlehanded and Vallejo Doublehanded Races |
30 |
Trophy Meeting for Vallejo 1-2 & |
* The 2013 SSS "Inclusive" racing calendar with included shorthanded races not sponsored by the SSS
will be updated when the YRA publishes the 2013 master calendar.