SSS Membership List
(Current Paid Members List with Boat Names and Skipper Names,
Members can contact each other with the password protected contact link)
When you become an SSS member, your membership registration fee covers the cost of
all the SSS races for the year except the LongPac or TransPac races.
You are NOT automatically
registered in each race when you become a member.
Each race has a separate
signup process required to get a Coast Guard permit for the race.
The SSS race signup for
each race is available online 1 month before the race with enough
time before
the skipper's meetings
to verify the entries and put together the permit.
The deadline for entry is normally by the end of the skipper's meeting for each race.
Make sure that
you have signed up for each race for
you want to participate.
Membership can be paid for when you signup online for any of the SSS races.
Check the SSS home or racing pages for the latest race entry information.
SSS Membership
- $135
SSS Membership (using SSS Affiliation for YRA Races) - $160
*Only use this membership option if you plan on racing in YRA races using the SSS as your affiliated racing organization. The $160 SSS membership does not pay for YRA membership.
Non-member Race Entry - $45 Singlehanded or $60 Doublehanded
Notes for New Membership on Jibeset:
If you are registering as a Guest , you can not register to become a member. Use Cancel to return to Login, select
New Boat and enter your E-mail Address.
If you do not have a boat, enter your last name as the boat name and your ZIP code as your sail number
If you can not sign up online with the Jibeset registration system, but still want to sign up for SSS membership,
you can fill out the SSS Non-Electronic Paper Membership Application and mail it with your check to:
Singlehanded Sailing Society
(address on the contact page)